Friday, July 24, 2009

Transcript from a Session between Dr. Jay and Lenore Beadsman

JAY: And these feelings from Rick... you don't welcome them?
LENORE: That's exactly what I just said.
JAY: So then you -
LENORE: Verbatim -
JAY: So you'd like for Rick to stop feeling.
LENORE: Entirely?
JAY: You'd like Rick to be some kind of vegetable, yes. You may even wish him to be dead.
LENORE: Back up a second -
JAY: There's no stopping now. I can taste the breakthrough in the air.
JAY: The thought of being intimate with Rick elicits a murderous reaction from you, because you realize that this intimacy would mean -
LENORE: I am paying you too much money -
JAY: You realize that this intimacy would be mean the unthinkable!
JAY: What do you fear most of all, Lenore?
LENORE: That I mean nothing more than what's said about me -
JAY: Yes, quite profound, but what's your next greatest fear?!
LENORE: That I might never be completely -
JAY: Shoed!
LENORE: Shoed?
JAY: You can't be shoeless with Rick, Lenore! You loathe bare feet! You'll never be shoed enough to feel comfortable!!
LENORE: Wait, no -
JAY: Even now you're wearing three pairs of socks, am I correct?
LENORE: Yes, but -
JAY: Breakthrough, Lenore! Breakthrough!
LENORE: Can't someone fear intimacy and commitment without fearing unhygienic feet?
JAY: Certainly not!